Sunday, December 07, 2008

hello. haha alright it was too tempting to not-blog just to prove janice's reverse psychology attempts futile. anyway, right, i'm back, for a while.

actually i've been neglecting this space recently partly because i've been spending more time on, so yeah, do visit it! it's a new thing, and i don't know how far it's going, but well, it appears more sustainable to me right now. i'm just running out of things to talk about, maybe.

my dad came home yesterday and was over the moon at coming in fourth in his annual bowling competition, and at the fact that he scored the highest game of 240, beating others who have expensive bowling balls and shoes, and practice way before the competition, while he only bowls that one time a year. haha. he's always returning with all these random triumphs. that day he was telling me about how he got scolded by his boss for no reason, but he made it sound like his triumph in a way. i really can't explain it. and oh no this is the person i'm gonna grow up to be like!

i think i'm really terrible at driving. hence i shall save up more money, for a better bicycle. and cycle for the next 30 years under the pretext of eco-friendliness.

one week of leave! and i'm bent on making it fulfilling. so far it's been great! new stuff and things to do i need more than a week away